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Cyprus Pottery through the years

The plethora of exhibits in the many Museums across Cyprus, reflect the passion for ancient ceramic vessels. While the tradition of ceramic pottery dates back to the Neolithic period, it is still a very present constant that remains part of the local way of life for many. Let’s dive into some of the histories of pottery making, and where you can experience this traditional art form for yourself during your next visit to Cyprus.

Humble Origin
Pottery was an essential part of life for the Cypriots. The craft of making the koumna – a type of small earthenware pithoid vessel- was an important tool for storing and cooking food. It used to be laid down in a sloping position and covered with clay (making it like a small oven), to cook traditional foods like kleftiko or ttavas. Today dirt has been taken to another level, as pottery has evolved into an appreciated, fine art form, which can be admired in galleries. Modern Cypriot potters give masterpieces both in terms of technique and quality. Artists infuse the clay with shape, form, and colour. Making it more than just a tool, but rather a form of expression and symbolism.
Renowned for its red clay pottery tradition, the quaint village of Kornos is an ideal place to experience pottery-making first-hand. Get your hands dirty, put the clay on the wheel and make your ware. Like a simple clay bowl, or mug for yoghurt to take home. The professionals there create functional objects like kouza (medium-shaped pot with neck, used to serve water), pithaouri (for cooking meat), koumnari or koumna (small or big jug used to store halloumi cheese or meat), or even the pithari (big size jug used to store water or wine). A fantastic way to spend your day, getting guidance for pro craftsmen with a real passion for pottery.
Spend your stay in one of Louis Hotels across the island while you set for your pottery adventure and many others.