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The Great Samaria Gorge of Crete

Setting on a hike through Samaria Gorge is one of the must-do activities everyone should experience when in Crete. No one has ever visited Crete without at least hearing of the Samaria Gorge, which is also called Farangas by the locals. Samaria Gorge is without a doubt the most stunning gorge on the island.

The White Mountains (Asproi Oroi) are the gorge’s home. The 18-kilometre Samaria Gorge is the longest gorge found across Europe. Most enter the famed gorge from Xyloskalo, where the gorge is more than 1200 metres above sea level! Enthusiastic trekkers follow the gorge across the coastal village of Saint Roumeli which is found on the southern part of the island.

Besides being the longest gorge throughout Europe, Samaria Gorge is also renowned for its rich flora and fauna as well as animal life. Multiple species found within the gorge are so rare they are protected by law. Reports have shown that the gorge is home to more than 450 kinds of plants. It is prohibited to remove plants and flowers found in the gorge.

Samaria Gorge is also rich in vegetation as it overflows with towering pinewoods and cypresses. The image of the forest-covered forests bring to mind how the island used to look like back in the days when Crete was famed for its timber which was perfect for building vessels.

Samaria Gorge is also home to the famous Cretan wild goats, known as Kri-Kri!

What are you waiting for? Let’s go on a hike through Samaria Gorge!