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New distinction for Louis Hotels in Greece!

Louis Hotels was honored with the “Treasures of the Greek Tourism” award, in the “Best Performing Companies” category. New Times Publishing organized the event for the second consecutive year and the ceremony was held on Tuesday, December 11 at Radisson Blue Park Hotel Athens.

The “Treasures of the Greek Tourism” awards are given to reward excellence in tourism and the main factor that is rated is the economic performance of each business. In particular, the institution that organises the awards collects data from 1,500 companies operating in the tourism sector in Greece. The institution also rates the total contribution of each organization to Greek tourism and its corporate social responsibility. The awards were given to hotels, tour operators, local organizations and tourism committees, conference centers, business initiatives and others.

Receiving the prize at the ceremony, Louis Hotels Corfu Area Manager, Mr.  Poseidonas Theodorou, thanked the organizers for the distinction. “At Louis Hotels we are very happy to receive this award because we feel that our hard work is being rewarded. We always set high standards and we continue to provide the highest quality hospitality to our hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Following a recipe for success for many years, our organization continues to pioneer, grow and upgrade”.


This new distinction comes as a culmination of the success of the Louis Group in Cyprus and in Greece. At the same time, the award is very important as it reflects the confidence of both the domestic and Greek institution involved in the tourism industry in the two countries where Louis Hotels is a leading player.