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Must-Visit: The Acropolis of Rhodes

Rhode’s Acropolis is like no other Acropolis found across Greece as it was not fortified. As excavations have surfaced the island’s Acropolis boasted with sanctuaries, public building and marvellous temples which were built on steep landscapes that were skilfully supported by indestructible walls. Rhode’s Acropolis is by far one of the top Hellenistic architectural wonders throughout the Greek world. Some of the most impressive landmarks found within the Acropolis include:

Temple of Athena Polias

Temple of Athena Polias & Zeus Polieus which fascinates the crowds with their Doric architectural style was where the Rhodians kept their state treaties.

The Nymphaeum, an area used for worship and recreation, was made up of four large subterranean rooms which were cut into the rock! It is hard to miss the Nymphaia with its wide passages, entrance steps, and a large opening in the middle of the roof. The Nymphaia also boasts of blossoming flora, water cisterns and niches used to position statuettes.

Temple of Pythian Apollo
The ancient marble-made Odeon was not only used for musical and theatrical performances. In fact the Odeon was where rhetoric classes took place. The jaw-dropping Odeon could seat 800 spectators.

Temple of Pythian Apollo is considerably smaller-sized compared to the Temple of Athena Polias and Zeus Polieus, but still marvellous!

Artemision Temple

The Artemision Temple was dedicated to Goddess Artemis. This is the place where Artemis cult used to worship her.

Only one of the foundation walls of the Stoa Building remain till this day. The impressive structure was so grand it was visible all the way from Rhode’s harbour.

Acropolis of Rhodes

The 210-metre Stadium used to host important sports events such as Haleion Games. Numerous features of this magnificent structure remain including the proedries (the seats of the officials), normal spectator seats as well as the sphendone.

During the Hellenistic period, the Library was home to valuable priceless works of Rhetoric.

The ancient Gymnasium was a 200-metre long square area which was used as an art exhibition area.

Discover the fascinating landmarks of the Hellenistic world and uncover the historic treasures the Acropolis of Rhodes unveils!