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Louis Paphos Breeze ‘LIKE & POST’ Competition

‘LIKE’ Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook Page , ‘POST’ a photo of you and your best friend and mention him/her in the post, for a chance to WIN a 5-night ULTRA ALL-INCLUSIVE holiday at Louis Paphos Breeze.

The lucky winner will be announced at the end of May ’18 on Louis Hotels & Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook pages.

Good luck to all!

Terms & Conditions



  • Prize includes a 5-night Ultra all-inclusive holiday for 2 adults at Louis Paphos Breeze;
  • Prize does not include flights or land arrangements;
  • Prize is valid for a period of six (6) months after the draw. Reservation is subject to availability;
  • Prize is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Accommodation is on double occupancy on Ultra All Inclusive terms. It is valid for stays 01/06/2018 – 30/11/2018 excluding the period 21/07/2018 – 25/08/2018



  • Only members of the Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook page can participate in this raffle. You join our Facebook page by liking the Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook page;
  • Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook Page members can participate by posting a photo with their best friend and mention him/her in the post, on the wall of Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook page (publicly);
  • You end your participation in this raffle by leaving Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook Page (unlike our Facebook page).
  • Competition ends on 31 May 2018.



  • Winner will be chosen randomly;
  • At the end of May ‘18 Louis Hotels and Louis Paphos Breeze will announce the name of 1 winner on their respective Facebook Pages;
  • The winner will be contacted by Louis Hotels;
  • You cannot claim your prize if you are no longer a member of Louis Paphos Breeze Facebook Page.