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22-Bizzare Customs that Happen at a Traditional Big Fat Greek Wedding!

Have you ever been invited to a traditional Greek Wedding? No? Oh my God, there is nothing better than living through this crazy experience! Have you seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Sure you have! Well, imagine that…only a thousand times bigger, louder and happier!Wedding4


Did you know that…?

  1. 1.Did you know that Greek’s wedding guest list includes hundreds and hundreds of people? The idea of ‘the more the merrier’ was made for Greek weddings! Literally, Greeks believe it is an insult not to invite everyone they know to their special day…and I mean to the extreme. Couples will hunt down long-lost kindergarten classmates just to give them an invite!


  1. 2.Did you know that the whole city/town or even island knows about the upcoming event? You know how Greeks love to blab…well once a date is set…that’s it, wedding talk is all you hear for months and months.


  1. 3.Did you know that the bride literally squashes the groom’s foot during the ceremony? Whyyyyyyy? The story goes that if the bride steps on her groom’s foot she will have the upper hand during the marriage. To all grooms out there, please shield your feet!


  1. 4.Did you know that the priest exchanges the stefana to pronounce a couple as husband and wife? What is the stefana…well; they resemble crowns which are blessed by the priest making sure the couple has a blissful life together.stefana


  1. 5.Did you know that the priest literally slaps the groom? Don’t ask…have no idea what all that is about!


  1. 6.Did you know that a baby boy or girl is thrown on the couple’s bed before the wedding ceremony? Ha! I know this one! Apparently, a boy is thrown on the couple’s bed in the hope their first child will be a boy…and vice versa. So Greeks think they can go against biology? Why not!?


  1. 7.Did you know that all the bride’s family (lost cousins included) and friends (she hasn’t seen since primary school) gather at her house before the ceremony to dress and bless her?


  1. 8.Or did you know that after she is dressed, the bride writes a list of all her single friends on the bottom of her RIGHT shoe? Apparently, the names that get rubbed off are next in line! And who doesn’t want another wedding, right!?2196959085_c58978c2f6


  1. 9.Did you know that while the bride is being dressed, all the groom’s family and friends gather at his house to watch the Koumbaros (best man) dress and shave him?


  1. 10.Did you know that all singles are hunted down and given the third degree at Greek weddings? The reasons are many! First…you may be a future bride or groom to their lost third cousin. Greeks love matchmaking! Secondly…curiosity gets the best of them! There must be something wrong with you to be single…they need to know what!


  1. 11.Did you know that a Greek Wedding’s most famous phrase is Ke Sta Dika Su? How could you! Ke Sta Dika Su is actually a wish. Basically, they are wishing you also get married.


  1. 12.Did you know that Greeks never fail to embarrass you, especially at weddings? No exaggeration folks! Imagine an old granny telling you off, in front of hundreds of guests, for being 25 and unmarried!


  1. 13.Did you know that guests line outside the church, waiting for the married couple to step out, in order to drown them in rice? Welcome to the rice war!148214071_b80f2a804d


  1. 14.Did you know that no matter how perfect everything is, the mother-in-law will always find something to squabble about?


  1. 15.Crying and weddings is normal…but did you know that Greek parents literally weep as if they will never see their child again, even though they end up in the next house?


  1. 16.Did you know that Greek couples give out bombonieres at their wedding? Bombonieres are traditional wedding sweets each guests receive as a thank you.


  1. 17.Did you know that food buffets may even be 50 metres long? Can you imagine all the food? The dessert buffet is extra!


  1. 18.Did you know that with all the food you eat you won’t be able to dance? Now, that’s just offensive! No one leaves the wedding without dancing!


  1. 19.Did you know that traditional Greek weddings turn into a bouzoukia scene in no time at all? Live Greek band begins playing Laika & Rembetika…


  1. 20.Did you know that Greeks smash plates to show they are having fun? Be careful to shield yourself…they fly the plates as if they are Frisbees!


  1. 21.Oh…and did you know they also throw flowers at the singer? Great way to get someone killed on a slippery floor, don’t you think?


  1. 22.Did you know that it isn’t a Greek wedding till all the guests are drunk? You know how loud Greeks get right? Well imagine the noise they make when drunk!


By the end of the night, all guests are either half dead from all the food or drinking or passed out in a corner. The day after the wedding is the most exciting…that’s when all the gossip starts! One thing is for sure, Greeks are the happiest lot you’ll ever meet…they know how to enjoy every moment of their lives!