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Message from Louis Hotels for Covid-19

Dear valued Guests,

In these worrying times, our thoughts are with you and your families and we hope that you are keeping safe and well.

It’s been over a month since, following Governmental decision, we have all been directed to stay at home in order to defeat the newly emerging threat of COVID-19. Although a prudent, unavoidable directive, taken by, not only our Government but all European and other Governments worldwide as well, the impact on our business and the tourist sector in general is serious. Sadly, since the time of the lock-down, we’ve all witnessed the effects of this situation on our families, the businesses, the economy and our lives in general. The determination of the society and the business community to adhere to the instructions, albeit the personal and other costs, gives us confidence and faith.

Particular optimism is inspired by the heroic acts of all these people in the front line, such as doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, the police, and many others that, despite the personal danger, remain loyal to their duties and commitment to provide support and comfort.

In an effort to contribute to this quest against the pandemic, we, the Management and Staff of Louis Group have decided to contribute in several ways:

  1. The complimentary Hosting of Doctors and Nurses at our Hilton Hotel in Nicosia
  2. The adoption of the maximum, non obligatory measures and full compliance of the official instructions issued by the World Health Organisation, the Ministry of Health of Cyprus and Greece, and of all relevant bodies.
  3. The partial funding of the repatriation of students and other Cypriots stranded outside Cyprus.

Our esteemed clientele is of prior importance to us. Our thoughts are with you during these difficult times. We will remain in close touch and keep you posted on the developments regarding the re-opening of our Hotels and restaurants, when we will be able to welcome you and your families back again, in a safe and friendly environment.

Here at Louis Group we are all confident that, by joining forces, together we will soon be celebrating the success of the fight against this pandemic. When this much awaited for day arrives, we can all enjoy the reopening of our hotels in Cyprus or on one of the Greek islands.

As per our attached Video, from all of us at Louis, keep safe, better days are coming soon.

Jason Perdios
Louis Hotels