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What do you know about Delos ?

Do you know that Delos is considered a sacred island and one of the top archaeologically rich islands of Greece? The tiny island of Delos is found opposite from Mykonos. Delos was famed as being a cultural hub as far back as 2500 BC, even before the Parthenon was constructed. No visitor should pass on the opportunity on visiting the sacred island of Delos as it opens the doors to the past! It’s time to explore!

Do you know that Delos is the birthplace of Artemis and Apollo? According to Greek mythology, Leto sought refuge in Delos, where she gave birth to the twin children of God Zeus, after being hunted by the jealous goddess Hera. Known as a naval, the island of Delos is where enlightenment was born and enhanced. Light or enlightenment is one of the most cherished features of the Greek civilisation, thus it comes as no surprise that the worship of God Apollo flourished in Delos. Besides being the God of Music, Apollo was also famed as being the Archer as well as the God of Light, Healing and Truth. Based on mythology, Apollo’s most important daily task was move his horse chariot in order to move the Sun across the sky and provide light. The worship of Apollo was one of the key factors that made Delos one of the most sacred and famous destinations across the world for nearly three centuries.

Do you know that Delos was an important commercial hub during antiquity? Ideally positioned between the West and East, South and North, Delos was an important crossroad in ancient times. For this reason, commerce thrived on the island, marking it once again as one of the most important destinations in ancient times.

Do you know that Delos was abandoned shortly after Christianity was born? Nonetheless, the deserted island is still a historic treasure, unveiling its sacred ancient ruins and rich history, reminiscent of its past magnificence.

Long known as a World Heritage UNESCO site, the island boasts of archaeological treasures depicting the remains of an ancient Greek city kingdom. Most marvel at the five statues of the marble-made Lion beasts that dot the 160 feet-long Avenue of Lions. The Lion statues were constructed to guard the Sacred Lake. As visitors wander through the ruins of the city’s Agora, Temples and Monuments it is hard not to feel proud for exploring the place where culture was born