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Tourist honoured for staying at the Louis Ledra Beach Hotel for the 35th time

British tourist, Pat Berrington was honoured in a ceremony at the Louis Ledra Beach Hotel in Paphos. Ms. Berrington visited Cyprus 35 times in total and each time she chose the Louis Ledra Beach Hotel for her stay. To acknowledge her dedication to the hotel and to Paphos, the hotel, in collaboration with the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, has given Mrs Berrington a symbolic gift and a plaque.
Mrs Berrington, stayed a total of 1095 nights at The Louis Ledra Beach in Paphos! At the ceremony local officials and media, Louis Hotels executives, and representatives from the Deputy Ministry of Tourism were present.

The Mayor of Geroskipou, Michalis Pavlides, thanked Mrs Berrington for her love for Cyprus through the years. “It is our honour to choose our city over and over again for her holidays. This proves the beautiful experiences one can have in our area. We would like to assure Mrs Berrington that we will be expecting her every year to enjoy everything our city has to offer, “Mr Pavlides said.
In his address, Louis Ledra Beach General Manager, Mr. Antonis Athanasiou also thanked the awarded tourist for her timeless preference at the Louis Ledra Beach Hotel and further stated: “Today we honour one of our own people. Mrs Berrington has stayed in Cyprus for a total of 1095 nights which is exactly three years. That says a lot and shows the high level of hospitality our frequent guests enjoy.”