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Three Day Trips you must not miss in Crete

Without a doubt Crete is one of the top holiday destinations of our times. Some of the most beautiful attractions in Crete are its natural treasures which are worth visiting! Crete has amazing natural spots, so all you nature lovers out there get ready to explore the island’s natural beauty!
First Stop the Botanical Park

Crete’s Botanic Park is nestled close to Chania, on the foot bed of the largest mountain range on the island, the Lefka Ori (White Mountains).
The Botanical Park is spread over approximately 20 hectares of land consisting of aromatic herbs, beautiful flowers, therapeutic plants and tropical trees. Besides its undeniable natural beauty, the park fascinates visitors with how it changes according to the season.
Those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the busy and crowded city, the Botanic Park is indeed a great breather.

Second Stop the Gorge of Samaria

Crete boasts with natural gorges attracting the adventure vultures from all over the world. The most famed gorge in Crete is without a doubt, Samaria Gorge. In fact, Samaria Gorge is the longest gorge across Europe. Those adventurous enough to take a hike and explore the fascinating gorge are in for a treat as they unravel the natural treasures of the island at its finest. Here visitors come across rare flora and fauna as well as wildlife. The most enchanting animal visitors meet is the Cretan wild goat, the Kri-Kri!

Third Stop the E4 European Walking Path

The 320-kilometre hike is a once in a lifetime experience! Set off on the adventure of your life and walk from the west to the east of the island. Along the way, visitors hike over the White Mountains, meet incredibly rare animals and come across the finest natural landscapes. Enjoy your hiking trip! Those not interested in heading for the mountains have the choice of choosing the coastal path, which is equally marvellous.

The choice is yours!