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Sacred Island of Delos

While holidaying in Mykonos take a break from the party scene and golden sandy coastline, hop on a boat and pop by Delos Island, the most sacred Greek island. Delos Island is one of Greece’s top archaeological sites, whereby tourists are introduced to the ancient world of Greece and mythological gods. Wandering through the open-air archaeological site is a transportive experience where many almost feel the presence of the ancient civilisation that used to live there as they uncover historic treasures.

3701446101_5f2128eaef_zIn the past, Delos was reputed across the world as a spiritual and commercial hub. Today, the island is uninhabited but still exudes a certain je ne sais quoi. Maybe it’s the fact that the island was believed to be sacred in the 7th century or maybe because it is the place where the Greek twin gods, Apollo and Artemis were born, whatever the reason, Delos Island is a definite must-visit when in Mykonos.

During the 3rd-2nd centuries, Delos thrived in trade, attracting merchants all the way from Alexandria, presently known as Egypt. The island’s population boomed, reaching approximately 25 thousand residents, which was extraordinary for those times.

3715197210_e82c1aa26f_zThe island boasts with fascinating ancient landmarks and ruins such as the famous Lions of Delos. The grandiose Lions of Delos are enormous marble statues that guard the Sacred Lake. Visitors also marvel at the ancient Sanctuary of Dionysus, various marvellous temples, impressive mosaic-floors that decorate ancient houses as well as the Agora, and gymnasium. Tourists also enjoy wandering through the island’s Archaeological Museum, where they find artefacts excavated from Delos Island.

Enjoy your quest through history! Stay tuned for more on Mykonos!