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Mykonos the Dream Destination

Mykonos is famed as being every holidaymakers dream destination.

Let’s see why…

Sandy Golden Bays

10342889043_a54ce0733e_zThe golden sun-kissed coastline of Mykonos is made for all those whose idea of a dream holiday is lazing on the beach. Mykonos is home to a diverse scene of bays and coves. We’ve got the party hub bays, the scenic bays, the posh bays, the relaxing bays and the al-natural bays! Those looking to rub shoulders with Hollywood celebs, head for Psarou Beach! The breathtaking view of the glistening sea and the soothing sound of the waves are just the cherry on the cake.

Romantic Little Venice

2679319055_a5de3f7575_zPictorial images and postcards of Little Venice have travelled all around the world luring holidaymakers year in and year out. The most romantic neighbourhood of Chora simply exudes a certain je ne sais pas, that even the most discerning can’t help but fall in love with.

Little Venice is made up of a line of Venetian two-storey homes, with balconies literally hanging over the blue-green sea. As legend has it, the seaside buildings were built by sea captains, who after a long life at sea decided to settle down in Mykonos.  However, some add a little spice to the story and narrate that the captains were pirates in disguise, who built their homes right on the edge of the sea so unload their treasures incognito! Currently, Little Venice is the trendiest part of the island. The Venetian secret pirate homes have been turned into hot bars and restaurants. What’s the best time of the day to visit? Sunset!

 Historic Panagia Paraportiani

17095936577_9d6ee4f9c5_zAs locals so often willingly tell you, Mykonos is home to 365 chapels and churches, one for each day of the year. Truth is we have never counted them but they do seem to be sprouting like mushrooms all over the island! The most photographed and oldest church of all is Panagia Paraportiani. Built during the Byzantine period, Panagia Paraportiani dazzles all its visitors not only because it is home to icons that are said to originate from the Middle Age but also because of the unbelievable sea views. Such beauty is truly what dreams are made of!

Enjoy Mykonos to the fullest…it’s a truly magical holiday experience!