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Zante’s Exhibition Centre of the Sea Turtle Caretta-Caretta

Do you love sea turtles? Would you like to find out everything you can about these magnificent sea-creatures? Can’t you get enough of the sea? Do you find the sea-life interesting, even inspiring?


When in Zakynthos…head for the amazing National Marine Park, where all your questions and queries will be answered in no time at all!

The National Marine Park is home to the Exhibition Centre of the Sea Turtle Caretta-Caretta, which is tucked away in Dafni. The centre first opened its doors to the public in 2006 with one purpose only…to inform visitors about the grand Caretta-Caretta and sea life in general!

The thematic centre is located amidst a landscaped area where visitors view the marvellous exhibition as well as information material regarding the sea turtle. Visitors may also enjoy using the various multimedia materials which provide further information and facts regarding sea life and the Caretta-Caretta sea turtle. The centre’s visitors are also given great memorabilia to take home with them! The Exhibition Centre does not only focus on providing important info regarding the Caretta-Caretta but also offers insight on other sea creatures as well as the flora and fauna found underwater.

The European Regional Development Fund and various other national resources funded the Thematic Exhibition Centre of Zakynthos. The shoreline of Zakynthos has long been a nesting area for the Caretta-Caretta and the island is devoted to protect the unique sea turtle.