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Tying the knot in Cyprus with Louis Hotels!

Cyprus has long been a popular island for Destination Weddings! Between you and me it’s probably the best destination for a wedding. Is there any place better to get married than on the island that celebrates love, beauty, and culture? Think not! Targeted to all those sceptics: hold your horses and read on to find out why Cyprus is the wedding destination for you!

Intoxicating Natural Scenery – Picture shimmering blue water, white-golden beaches, mountainous, green-covered terrains, colourful valleys, and blossoming vineyards all in one! Wow, right? You have chosen the right destination for your big day!

The Glorious Sun – Who wants to get married in the rain? No one right? Well, what if you knew it is literally impossible for rain to ruin your wedding day in Cyprus!? The island has been blessed with all-year-round sunshine as if it has made a year-round agreement with the sun. No matter the season you choose to tie the knot in Cyprus, you and your friends will enjoy a sunny wedding!

Wedding & Honeymoon – Destination Weddings are a bargain! Why? One minute you are tying the knot and the next you are on your honeymoon! Does it get any better than this? Think not! Cyprus offers all its visitors interesting and exhilarating holidays filled with magical areas and tourist resorts just waiting to be explored! Paphos is one of the island’s most popular tourist resorts where newlyweds enjoy the glistening blue sea, golden beaches, cultural heritage, and intense nightlife!

Invigorating World-Heritage Sites – Cyprus is packed with intoxicating Heritage-listed sites that are bound to spellbind you for life! The ancient city kingdoms of Amathus and Kourion overflow with archaeological treasures you all need to visit. Paphos, the island’s cultural hub, is also packed with ancient treasures like its impressive mosaic floors found in 2nd-5th century Greco-Roman palaces. The Troodos range is home to more than 10 World Heritage Churches that inspire all its visitors!

An Intimate & Small Wedding -Just the way it should be – Having a Cyprus wedding automatically translates to a small and intimate wedding! Hurray! Celebrating your Big Day with only the ones that you genuinely care for is a blessing. Getting married is a personal matter; share it with the ones that matter!

Wedding Plans are a Piece of Cake – The documentation needed for getting married on the island is simple and straight forward. All that is required of you is proof you are not already married and a passport! Those stressing over the wedding preparations should stop worrying! The venue you book for your wedding will take care of all the preparations based on your instructions. All you need to do is book your flight, show up and get this wedding on the road!

All that is left to do is wish you a happy, fruitful and blissful life! Congratulations for choosing Louis Hotels Weddings for your big day!