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The unusual St. Nicholas of Cats in Limassol, Cyprus

Looking to see something unusual and different while in Limassol? We have you covered! Head for the St. Nicholas of Cats Monastery, one of the most bizarre landmarks found on the island of Cyprus! This amazingly peaceful monastery is nestled on the edge of Akrotiri, where visitors surge to enjoy the soothing and serene atmosphere the monastery exudes.

Besides the calmness of the region, St. Nicholas of Cats is famed for another bizarre feature as it is home to hundreds of cats which simply lay around soaking in the sun. Their carefree nature and numbers makes you wonder whether the monastery is actually occupied by nuns or cats! However, everything has a rational explanation this is no exception! Based on historic facts, back in the 4th century, the monastery overflowed with poisonous snakes. In order to resolve the problem, Saint Helen imported cats from abroad. Apparently, the hundreds of cats that are found at the monastery are direct descendants of the cats imported back in the 4th century! Can you believe it?