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The traditional side of Mykonos

Want to experience Mykonos traditional side? Head for Ano Mera!

14990565533_74fed2b6d6_zA visit to Ano Mera, the second largest and most traditional village of Mykonos island, is a great way to get a taste of Mykonos traditional identity, authenticity and local culture. As you wander through the village’s cobblestoned maze-like alleys it is hard not to marvel at the stoned-made houses covered with blossoming pink bougainvillaea gardens.

What’s even more amazing is the locals’ genuine hospitality and friendly nature. Local villagers are always eager to show their hospitality by offering visitors a Greek coffee or traditional Mykonian sweet.

The cobbled square of the village is dotted with traditional cafes and taverns as well as souvenir shops selling local produce. This is the spot to be when looking to set off on a souvenir shopping spree!

4178091970_9b9dfff2db_zAno Mera’s fabulous Moni Panagia Tourliani is an inspiring monastery dedicated to Mykonos’ patron saint. The monastery was built in the 16th century and was later restored in 1767. The monastery is Ano Mera’s most popular landmark as its craftsmanship impresses all its visitors. The red-domed monastery’s exterior is white as snow while its marble tower is an elaborate and impressive piece of art.

Culture and tradition are not hard to find in Mykonos. You just need to know where to head for! Stay tuned for more on Mykonos, the island of the winds.