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Sanctuary of Apollo in Limassol

Anyone who has holidayed in Limassol will tell you the city is one of the most culturally rich destinations you will ever visit. Limassol is known as the cultural hub of Cyprus as it overflows with historic and cultural landmarks dating back to antiquity.

The Sanctuary of Apollo is one of the most impressive temples found in Limassol and a definite must-see! The Sanctuary of Apollo is found near the ancient city kingdom of Kourion; therefore it is best to visit the sanctuary when planning a trip to Kourion.

Commemorating Apollo Hylates, known as the God of the Woods as well as the protector of Ancient Kourion City, the Sanctuary of Apollo originates from the 8th-4th century AD. Excavations have proved that additional building used to stand on the site. It has been revealed that the site consisted of a pilgrim hall, baths as well as a holy precinct. Currently, the only remaining building is the sanctuary, which is partially in ruins. The part of the sanctuary that remains intact is believed to have been a religious compound.

Besides the actual sanctuary, visitors have the chance to view the marvellous ruins of the Priest’s House with its decorative mosaic floors. Walking through the paved alley along the entrance of the South Building, you will be taken to the Palaestra, the sports arena where sports events were held at the time.