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Museum Hopping in Zakynthos

Did you know that Zakynthos seems to have been dipped in history with its amazing historic sites and cultural heritage? What better way is there to unravel the island’s history than visit its amazing museums! Let’s go museum hopping!  

1160039015_1c7a8a77cdThe Byzantine Museum of Zakynthos exhibits intoxicating Byzantine frescos and icons dating back to the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Most of the frescos and icons were displayed in various Medieval Churches all across the island, which were destroyed in the 1953 earthquake. Besides the amazing frescoes and Byzantine icons visitors get to view work pieces of artists dating from the 18th century such as Doxaras, Koutouzis and Kanttouni.

The museum also showcases wooden 16th century-19th century carvings and its art gallery exhibits fascinating sculptures taken from the Hellenistic, Early Christian, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine periods.

858420558_d323b4cd16Solomos & Kalvos Museum decorates St. Marco Square in Zante. The museum opened its doors to the public in 1968. On the ground floor of the museum visitors can view the graves of Andreas Kalvos and Dionysos Solomos. The museum’s exhibition also includes wooden artefacts, photographs and portraits as well as furniture and archaeological findings all dating back to the 18th century.

The Milanio Maritime Museum is made for all sea lovers! The interesting museum exhibits artefacts and models of ships, representing the evolution of naval history from 1700 to the present day. The Maritime Museum is indeed one of a kind as besides its amazing exhibition it also displays Byzantine vessels starting from the beginning of the Byzantine Empire right up until the time the empire fell by the Turks in 1453.


That’s all the museum hopping we can take for today! Stay tuned for more on Zakynthos!