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Interview of Mr Jason Perdios, CEO of Louis Hotels to Gold magazine.

The Gold Era of the Cypriot tourism
With more than 20% of contribution to the Cyprus’ GDP, travel and tourism sector lead the business trends, offering great opportunities for an even greater growth. But, “we have to be careful”, warns Mr. Jason Perdios, Chief Executive Officer of Louis Hotels, and talks about complacency that may demolish the contemporary Cypriot miracle.

Travel and tourism today account for more than 10% of global GDP – in Cyprus it is more than double: the total contribution was 21.4% in 2016, is forecast to rise by 4.9% in 2017, and to rise by 3.4% per annum. As one of the world’s largest and ever growing economic sectors, travel and tourism creates jobs, drives exposure, and generates revenue and prosperity for both businessmen the local society.
And as Cyprus is quickly getting ready for an even “hotter” tourism period, Mr. Jason Perdios,C.E.O of Louis Hotels talks to “Gold” magazine about the high expectations everybody in this island has.

– How important is the tourism sector for Cyprus and how significant is the rise of arrivals for your group of companies?

It is hard to discuss about tourism in Cyprus and not to use some clichés. Tourism is, indeed, the heavy industry of this country – numbers and statistics demonstrate its importance. I am pretty sure you already know that the direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP was 11.8% in 2017 and the total contribution stands on double the level with an increasing forecast rate. But it is not only about GDP; employment is being enforced, environmental and heritage value is added to our society, the profile of the country is enhanced.(Cyprus becomes a high-end destination and a first-class option for the whole Southeast Mediterranean area.)
Louis Hotels aspires to further showcase the tremendous economic, social, and cultural value that the tourism sector can bring to Cyprus. Therefore, we are constantly working towards that direction, by pursuing the suitable policies and right investment decisions.
The constant rise of the arrivals highlights the right path we are all walking in. Both the hotel industry and the travel sector are being enforced and we are looking forward to further foster our contribution to the Cypriot economy and society.

– How do you imagine the future of the tourism in Cyprus and the future of Louis Hotels?

The future of tourism for both Cyprus and Louis Hotels stands at the same spot, and towards the same direction.
Over the long term, growth of the travel and tourism sector will continue to be strong so long as the investment and development takes place under a sustainable model. We have to fight against the mentality of quick and easy profitability.
If we are able -as a country- to prepare and implement well-organized pro-growth travel policies, then we can foster even more the talented business human capital we already have. So, not only can we expect even greater rise of the arrivals, but the travel and tourism sector will realize its full potential.
It is true that the Cypriot travel and tourism sector was adversely affected by the 2008 crisis. We noticed some recovery signs in 2010-2011 but what happened in 2013 led to a further decline. The efforts and initiatives of all the involved parties -government, hotel and travel agents’ associations, Cyprus Tourism Organization, hotel owners etc.- to promote domestic and international tourism, improve and develop infrastructure, and increase foreign investment have already started to pay back.

– What specific initiatives can we take to stabilize the rising trends and make this situation permanent?

We at Louis Hotels have a strategic advantage: our experience – with more than eight decades of experience. We are implementing the latest trends of the tourism industry and we are switching from products to experience. Travel is outpacing the demand for goods; spending on recreation, travel, and gastronomy is up. This is why we constantly renovate and upgrade our hotels, improve our services, add local experience and further facilities so as to meet the increasing expectations of our customers.
I do not believe that we have reached our upper limits – the best is yet to come. There is no satiety at all. Just to mention the winter tourism trend which is something that Louis Hotels closely examines and invests on. There is an enormous potential there and Cyprus has to take advantage of its climate.
But we have to be careful as this positive trend will not last forever. No one can say for sure when Egypt and Turkey will be stabilized and when the geopolitical status quo will shake the balances at this area. Therefore, we have to provide the best possible services to our customers and further enhance our bonds with our audiences, and expand our clientele. Additionally, we must continue upgrading and improving our infrastructure as a country, offering local experience choice and excellent value for money. We must sustain and promote a clear image of our country, advertise it correctly and exceed expectations.

– How Louis Hotels achieve all these? What is the different thing you offer to a tourist?

As I previously said, we switch from products and goods to personal service and local experience with 24 hotels and resorts , 15 in Cyprus and 9 in Greece, we have been hosting thematic nights for a long time now. Thematic nights dedicated also to Cyprus and Greece, where tourists may combine unique culinary delights with entertainment.
Furthermore, we offer warm hospitality, excellent value-for-money options, friendly and memorable service from our well-trained multilingual staff. In addition, we are focusing on the local life experience, by purchasing supplies from local producers and supporting local communities.
We want to offer special moments to anyone who visits Cyprus or Greece and Louis Hotels, to create a unique experience built around authenticity. We want our visitors to become ambassadors of the Louis experience. To go back to their countries and spread the news about Cyprus, Greece and our hospitality. This is what distinguishes us.

Interview at GoldNews