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Green Olives with Coriander and Garlic

For Mediterranean cuisine, Olives are a must. A healthy option, which you can add to any meal, or simply enjoy with some bread. Take a step into the world of Greek cuisine with this simple yet delicious recipe.


1 heaping cup of fresh green olives (pick the during October)


For the brine

¼ cup coarse salt

2 cups water

2 tbs lemon juice

For the olive dressing (for ½ cup of olives)

¼ clove chopped garlic

fresh lemon juice

pinch of crushed coriander seeds

olive oil


Take the green olives and crush them open with a stone; make sure not to squash the olive pits. Place the cracked olives in a jar, fill with water, and seal the top. Leave for eight days to cure, changing the water every two days. (This removes the bitterness of the olives). On a ninth day, rinse the olives well. In a separate bowl, prepare the brine, add the water, lemon, and salt, stir until dissolved. Place the olives in a jar. Cover the olives in brine, seal, and store in a cool place.

When ready to eat, place ½ cup of olives in a bowl. Rinse a bit with water, add ¼ clove of chopped garlic, a pinch of coriander seeds, a squeeze of fresh lemon, and drizzle with a little olive oil. Eat them with toasted village bread.

In case Louis Hotels are on your budget list for your next holidays you will get many chances to taste the famous Green Olives with Coriander and Garlic.