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Grand Mosque of Limassol, Cyprus

Before the 1974 Turkish invasions, Limassol was home to both Cypriots and Turks. Reminiscent of this time are found across the island. Limassol, as all other Cyprus cities, has Turkish quarters.

When the Turks left, they left behind many historic landmarks and the Grand Mosque is one of these. Those looking to soak in the real essence of the Cypriot and Turkish culture should visit the Grand Mosque, also known as the Kepir Mosque, nestled in the city’s Turkish quarter amidst towering palm trees.

Back in time, Limassol’s population was a mixture of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In 1974, when the war broke the Turkish Cypriots moved to the north part of the island. However numerous returned to Limassol and settled in the Turkish quarter in the 1990s. The mosque is a symbol of the cultural diversity that exists on the island. The Kepir Mosque was built during the Ottoman Period. Currently, the mosque is still in operation and is visited by Muslims who reside in Limassol.

Those planning to visit the symbolic mosque must make sure they dress appropriately. Also, do not forget to leave your shoes outside of the mosque!