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Dip into Cyprus Culture – The Limassol Wine Festival

Looking for some Cyprus culture? Limassol Wine Festival is the place to be! Limassol’s annual Wine Festival has been a crowd-puller since it was first launched in 1961! Inspired by the ancient Greek celebrations dedicated to Dionysus, the God of Wine and Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and Beauty, the annual wine festival celebrates the island’s long winemaking tradition that spans for more than 4000 years.

The celebrated Wine Festival takes place at the end of summer at Limassol’s Municipal Gardens every year. The wine celebrations go on for two weeks starting from the last week of August till the first week of September. A grandiose statue of a traditional Cypriot winemaker greets visitors at the entrance of the festival. The statue is known as the Vraka Man, as the man is shown wearing traditional Cypriot garments called Vraka.

Both locals and tourists gather to celebrate the island’s long history of winemaking by trying a diverse variety of local wines. Limassol’s nights are filled with lots of traditional Cyprus music as the air fills with the sounds of the bouzouki as visitors join in the dancing and festivities. The Municipal Gardens invite all visitors to nibble on Cyprus food, sip local wine, sing and dance, watch the marvellous firework display light up the sky and…join in the fun of traditional winemaking by literally dancing over grapes.

The Limassol Wine Festival is a vibrant and fun traditional event which celebrates wine, the end of summer as well as ancient customs and rituals. The Wine Festival provides the perfect opportunity to plunge into the Cyprus culture and have a fun-packed night. Eviva (Cheers) everyone!