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Corfu’s Fortresses

Corfu or Kerkyra, as it is called in Greek, is rich in Byzantine churches, Venetian fortresses and sandy beaches which are just some of the reasons it remains one of the most popular tourist destinations of our times. The island has influences of Greek, French, Italian and British history that is evident while strolling through its maze of narrow and winding streets where you will encounter buildings and monuments that have come out of a history channel.
Today we’ll take a look at the island’s most impressive forts! 5089965069_3c50de4762

The Old Fortress undeniably the most famous castle across the island. Built on a rocky peninsula, the Old Fortress has two peaks! The Old Fortress is said to have been constructed during the Byzantine era, 600 metres long and 200 metres wide. The Byzantines repaired the eastern peak of the fortress and named it Sea-Tower. Around the same time, the city of Corfu was founded. This is the reason that most locals believe the city was named after the peaks of the fort since peak in Greek means Korifi.

From 1402 to 1797, the Venetians were constructing the main fortress. The peninsula, on which the fortress was built on, was surrounded by a moat. Below the fortress lay a labyrinth which served as a strategic connecting system. The inside of the fortress was where the military officials, politicians and aristocracy resided.
Finally, in 1864 the Old Fortress officially became Greek and still remains the pride and joy of the islanders. Today, the Old Fortress is used as a venue where concerts and other cultural events are held. 9702135351_51fa7557c0

Visitors will find the New Fortress near the Old Harbour. The New Fortress was built between 1577-1588 by the Venetians. In comparison to the Old Fortress, the new Fortress is much smaller and is made up of only two levels. The top level protected the city and the lower level protected the harbour. The New Fortress was surrounded by a moat. The magnificence of the New Fortress lies in its unique architecture. It is a spectacular building that overwhelms everyone.
That’s all for now folks! Stay tuned for more on Corfu!