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A walk through History – Ancient Amathous

Byzantine churches, Roman Baths, ancient Hellenistic palaces, prehistoric walls and temples make up the ancient city kingdom of Amathous. Amathous city is one of the most ancient cities found on the island, founded more than 3000 years ago. The archaeological site was discovered in the 19th century, unveiling important remnants left behind by ancient civilisations. According to legend, Ancient Amathous was named after Amathousa, who was the mother of a Paphos King. Findings have shown that the ancient coastal city-kingdom thrived from the 10th century BC till the 7th century AD. The city was constantly under attack by the Saracens, but finally fell in the hands of King Lionheart, the British English King, in 1191.

Limassol’s most celebrated archaeological site is home to lots of ancient treasures depicting the island’s history and culture! Stay tuned to find out the top 10 ancient sites you must all look out for!

  1. Temple of Aphrodite- the temple was built on the cliffs on the outskirts of the city. Excavations have revealed that the temple was built in the 1st century and was dedicated to the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite.
  2. Gymnasium- once you enter the city you will come across the ancient Roman Gymnasium where athletes both trained and competed.
  3. Roman Baths-the black and white pebbled Baths was where the Romans passed their leisure time.
  4. Saint Barbara Chapel-the chapel’s stoned walls are covered with fabulous frescoes depicting various Christian saints and martyrs.
  5. Mosaic Floors-the medieval mosaic floors are found near Saint Barbara Chapel, on a site that initially decorated the floors of an ancient medieval monastery.
  6. Agora-like all ancient city kingdoms, the market place or agora was the heart of the town.
  7. Necropolis- found on the other side of the city’s river, the Roman tombs were artistically cut into rock. The same tombs were reused by the Byzantines years after.
  8. Christian Basilica-the three-aisled 5th century Byzantine church is found within the city’s ancient port, on the bottom of Acropolis Hill by the sea.
  9. Aqueduct-was used to supply water to the entire city. The most impressive is the manmade sluice systems that run through the city grounds.
  10. Hellenistic Houses-numerous Hellenistic stone-made homes and shops were excavated along the walls of the ancient city.