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A Journey through History – Rhodes Ancient Kamiros

During archaic times, the ancient city of Kamiros was one of the three largest cities of Rhodes, which alongside Lindos and Ialyssos made up the thriving city of Rhodes back in the 5th century.

As an archaic Mycenaean necropolis indicates, the first to inhabit the ancient city of Kamiros were Achaeans. The city was an agricultural community as they produced figs, wine and oil. During the 6th century, Kamiros was the first city in Rhodes to cut its own coins.

Kamiros City was abandoned by its residents as they moved to Rhodes City which was established around 400 BC. Following the accidental discovery of ancient graves, excavations started in 1929 surfacing multiple ancient treasures. The majority of findings are exhibited presently at the Louvre and the British Museum.  8683282824_6cd52dbb61_z

Some of the most fascinating landmarks found at Kamiros City are outlined below:

Acropolis & Precinct of Athena Kamiros – The four-sided Doric temple was surrounded by a colonnade. The structure found was the second temple built as the previous temple is believed to have been destroyed by an earthquake back in 226 BC.

Ancient Reservoir – is a rectangular-shaped structure lined with plaster. Pipes and apertures with stone-made covers lie on the bottom of the 5th century reservoir and is believed to have carried water to the city of Kamiros. The large-sized reservoir had enough water adequate for almost 400 families. During the Hellenistic Period, the reservoir was replaced by the Stoa and after by the Fountain-House.6162856492_b86f7e8287

Agora – the four-sided Agora is located right in front of the Fountain-House. This is where the residents of Kamiros gathered for religious ceremonies. Initially the structure has three steps both on the east and south sides. As the years progressed, walls enclosed the southern and northern sides and doors were placed where entrance was allowed to the faithful. The northern wall was decorated with half-columns and located at the south-east side was a square structure believed to be a votive offering. Votive offerings and statues with inscribed bases were also found on the western side of the Agora. The most fascinating of the votive offerings was Panaitios, with the inscription To All Gods written in ancient Greek.

Peribolos of the Alters – was a two-level alter dedicated to various Greek Gods such as Poseidon and Zeus. On the first level of you will marvel at the remains of an alter dedicated to Helios (Sun).

If you find yourself in Rhodes, pay a visit to the ancient city of Kamiros and marvel at the amazing remains a past thriving city.