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5 Reasons Corfu Should Be Your Next Holiday Destination

Countess Flamburiari’s famous quote completely captures our impression of Corfu: “Corfu town is Venice and Naples, a touch of France and more than a dash of England, apart of course from being Greek.” Let’s take a look at 5 reasons Corfu should be your next holiday destination!

When walking through Corfu’s Old Town you’ll soon realise why it is an UNESCO Heritage Site. It is like visiting an open-air museum where traces of its past colonists are still alive. The town’s paved labyrinth-like kantounia (narrow alleys) summon you to explore!

Liston is Corfu’s prime landmark and the spot where the crème-a-la-crème used to promenade during their evening outings. Liston is a replica of the Parisian Rue de Rivoli and a favourite spot to have a coffee.

Spianada Square is the largest sized square found in the Balkans, located in the heart of Corfu, surrounded with 19th century French architecture. This is where exciting cricket matches take place, don’t miss out!

Mon Repos Palace is a 19th century palace found within the heart of the rich forest of Palaiopolis. The architectural wonder was built as a summer home by Thomas Maitland the British Commissioner at the time.  Take a stroll through the dense woods and which leads to the ruins of the Temple of Artemis.

The 8th century Old Fort has protected the island from multiple threatening invasions throughout its existence. Upon visiting the Old Fort, you can’t help but feel as is time has stopped. Initially the quaint fort was erected by the Byzantine and later restored by the Venetians during their rule over the island. It is a wonderful place to visit when seeking to soak in the island’s culture during your travels.

Corfu is home to not one but four extraordinary Louis Hotels! Experience Corfiot hospitality at any of the four amazing Louis Hotels on your next holiday in Corfu!