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Cyprus Easter

All celebrations in Cyprus tend to be big and festive. It’s not Cypriot unless it’s big, loud, involves loads of food and family. The bigger the celebration the better it is! Easter is no exception to the rule, and besides the religious side, where everyone attends mass like three times a day till Easter Sunday, there are certain features linked to Easter that cry out Big Fat Easter in Cyprus!

Easter decorations make their appearance! Cyprus is a huge Easter fan and the more decorations they put up the merrier family and friends feel on Easter Sunday lunch! Therefore, there isn’t a house that doesn’t overflow with Easter bunnies, Easter baskets, Easter eggs, Easter chicks and whatever new Easter decor is in fashion during the time.

It’s time for Flaounes! Flaounes are traditional Cyprus Easter cheese pies that are made during this time with halloumi, raisins and a dash of mint. Flaounes overflow supermarkets and bakeries as if conquering the world!


It’s also time for the Tsoureki! Tsoureki is a sweet Greek Easter bread that is braided and baked on Holy Thursday.

Granny takes over the kitchen! Traditionally Easter Sunday lunches are held at granny’s home, so you can imagine what happens. Her kitchen looks like a bomb exploded and suddenly, she turns into an Easter-zilla cook. But suddenly the smell of freshly baked flaounes fill the air and you know it’s totally worth it!

Easter Egg Time! It’s not Easter unless the family gathers to dye the Easter eggs. Of course, granny does all the work, the rest have a cup of coffee, nibble and special treats and GOSSIP!

And then comes the Egg Cracking! Boy this is a contest of the fittest! Family members choose their Easter eggs carefully, making sure they are just as hard as they should be and tap each other’s eggs. The one which survives and remains intact-is the WINNER! What’s the prize? Luck for the rest of the year!

Chocolate attacks the island! Easter and Easter eggs go hand in hand. Those fasting are strictly off chocolates till Easter Sunday-can you imagine the willpower it takes to say NO to chocolate for 50 whole days?

Candle Holding on Holy Saturday! Every Cypriot on earth rushes to church just before that priest says, ‘Christos Anesti’ (Christ has Risen), right on time to light their candles with the Holy Light!

Avgolemoni Soup eating time is here again! After Holy Saturday’s mass, families gather at home to eat their midnight treat-a bowl of avgolemoni soup (soup made of lemons and eggs), crack the first eggs and have a flaouna.

Happy Easter everyone!