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Corfu’s Museum of Asian Art

Are you an art vulture? Then you will simply adore the Museum of Asian Art in Corfu! The Museum of Asian Art is the only museum found across Greece exhibiting Asia Art.


The marvellous neoclassical Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George is home to the Museum of Asian Art, which is found near Corfu Town’s Espianada Square. Based on findings, the building was built by the British between 1819-1824. It was initially used as the home of the British Commissioners of the Ionian Islands. As the years progressed the building served a variety of purposes such as the seat of the Ionian State, the Chivalric Orders of Saint Michael and Saint George as well as the Ionian Parliament. Following the Ionian Islands union with Greece in 1864, the palace was used as a summer home by the Greek Royal Family. However, the King preferred to spend the summer season in Mon Repos Palace, therefore, the Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George was soon used as the King’s office.

Finally, the Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George was under the control of Corfu’s Municipality in 1967, whereby it was converted into the Island’s Archaeological Museum till 1974 where it operated as a Sino-Japanese Museum. The museum was later transformed into the Asian Art Museum, where Gregorios Manos’ personal collection is exhibited. Gregorios Manos donated an array of Asian items and art pieces to the Municipality of Corfu. As the years progressed other donations were made enriching the museum’s exhibition.


The collections found at the Museum of Asian Art originate from Japan, Tibet, Cambodia, Thailand, India as well as China, Korea, Pakistan and Siam. Amongst the collection you will find an authentic Samurai armour, Samurai weapons and masks, sculptures, ceramics as well as Chinese Porcelains.

The museum’s collection is exhibited in five rooms. As aforementioned, the Ionia Senate used to hold its offices in the palace, thus at the ground floor visitors can view portraits of the Senate’s presidents. The second floor is where the ball room, dining room and throne of the Chivalric order can be found. Visitors will also view the medals of the Chivalric order as murals on the walls.

The exhibits found at Corfu’s Museum of Asian Art are unique and should not be missed when holidaying on the island! Enjoy!