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Charmed by Little Venice

Little Venice is the most romantic area of Mykonos. The entire coastal area is made up of colourful two-storey homes with balconies literally dipping in the emerald sea. Visitors instantly fall in love with the charming pull of this neighbourhood. The vistas of the whitewashed homes against the backdrop of the Aegean Sea are breathtaking.

Little Venice developed from a little fishermen’s neighbourhood into the cosmopolitan heart of Mykonos. There are numerous stories linked to the area. Some claim the lingering homes were owned by pirates who needed easy access to the sea so as to unload their treasures in secret. Other claim the homes were owned by fishermen, as in the past the main source of livelihood was fishing.

Today the unearthly beauty of the neighbourhood does not seize to captivate all who visit it. Little Venice offers the avid traveller lots of entertainment options ranging from crowded clubs and trendy bars to art galleries and charming gourmet restaurants that retain their old charm.
Little Venice is the ideal spot to be when looking to dance the night away, enjoy a relaxing drink while soaking in the stunning views or satisfy your palate with tingling gourmet dishes. One thing is for sure, even the most discerning travellers fall madly in love with Little Venice.