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9 Bizarre Greek Wedding Traditions

Have you ever been invited to a traditional Greek Wedding? No? Oh my God, there is nothing better than living through this crazy experience! Let’s take a look at a few bizarre traditional you’ll experience at any traditional Greek wedding!

Did you know that Greek’s wedding guest list includes hundreds and hundreds of people? Greeks are firm believers of ‘the more the merrier’ and literally invite everyone!

Did you know that the bride literally squashes the groom’s foot during the wedding ceremony? The story goes that if the bride steps on her groom’s foot she will have the upper hand during the marriage.

Did you know that the priest exchanges the stefana (wreaths) to pronounce a couple as husband and wife?

Did you know that the priest slaps the groom? Don’t ask…have no idea what all that is about!

Did you know that a baby boy or girl is thrown on the couple’s bed before the wedding ceremony? Story has it that if a boy is thrown on the couple’s bed the first child will be a boy…and vice versa. So, Greeks think they can go against biology? Why not!?

Did you know that all the bride’s family and friends gather at her house before the ceremony to dress and bless her?

And after she gets dressed, did you know that the bride writes a list of all her single friends on the bottom of her right shoe? Story has it that the names that get rubbed off the shoe are next in line!

Did you know that the groom’s family and friends also gather at his house to watch the Koumbaros (best man) dress and shave him?

Did you know the most popular phrase you’ll hear at a wedding is Ke Sta Dika Su? Ke Sta Dika Su is a wish. They are wishing you also get married.

Are you looking forward to attending a Greek Wedding?