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3 Must-Visit Corfu Museums

Corfu’s past conquerors have shaped and influenced the island’s culture and way of life. Corfu was established as the cultural and intellectual hub amongst the Ionian archipelago. In the past, Corfu also prospered in other fields such as the arts, trade and economy. Take a look at three of the most impressive museums everyone should visit when holidaying in Corfu. Let’s get started:

corfu-drrtCasa Parlante Museum is undeniably one of the most fascinating museums found in Corfu Town. The museum first opened its doors in March 2014 and is well worth everyone’s time. Housed in an amazing 19th century mansion, the museum showcases ancient furniture as well as animated figures, demonstrating how a noble Corfiot family lived during that time.

Visitors who wander through the house are transported to the 19th century, as they enter the world of nobility and discover how the noble families lived in a mansion with their servants and maids.

The robotic animated figures, household decorations as well as archaic furniture stimulate everyone’s senses as they are taken back in time. Some of the scenes exhibited in the museum include the Countess welcoming guests, the Count reading a newspaper as their children are busy playing music or drawing.

Untitled-1Found on the hilltop of Analipsis Hill in Kanoni, the outstanding Mon Repos Palace is one of the most favoured tourist attractions in Corfu. Archaeologists believe that the palace was constructed in the area where the ancient city of the island used to stand because the remains and ruins of the ancient city are located right across the palace.

The British Commissioner, Frederic Adams, built the palace in 1826 as a gift to his beloved wife Nina Palatianou. Even though the palace is small-sized, it is viewed as a true architectural wonder!

As the years went by, Mon Repos Palace was used as a summer home by all the British Governors of the island. In 1864, Corfu was officially united to Greece and Mon Repos was given to the Greek King George I. In 1921 Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh was born at Mon Repos Palace! During the Italian rule, Mon Repos was the home of Parini, the Italian governor of the Ionian archipelago.

At present, Mon Repos is owned by Corfu’s Municipality.  The island’s Municipality have turned the palace into an impressive museum which showcases cultural and historic treasures found across the Ionian Islands. The gardens of Mon Repos are also a top landmark amongst tourists, offering a refreshing breather from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Untitled-1The Museum of Asian Arts was founded in 1927, and is housed in the Palace of Saints Michael and George. The Museum of Asian Arts is the only one of its kind across Greece.  In 1919, Grigorios Manos donated his entire collection of Asian art to the Greek government on the condition that the artwork would be showcased in the Palace of Saints Michael and George. The collection consisted of approximately 10000 pieces. Later on, two other worthy collectors, N. Hadjivasiliou and C. Chiotakis, donated 450 and 341 artworks respectively. The museum’s collection demonstrates Asian art work where visitors encounter view Chinese porcelain, bronze Indian sculptures and wooden carving as well as Japanese pictures amongst other Asian treasures.

That’s all for now Corfu lovers! Stay tuned for more lots more on Corfu, the island of culture!