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Wir laden Sie ein, sich auf eine perfekte Flucht in 26 Häusern an 7 bezaubernden Reisezielen zu begeben, die sich über 4 verschiedene Kollektionen erstrecken, die alle unter einem Vermächtnis zusammengefasst sind\nLassen Sie sich von dem diesjährigen Kalender zu neuen Reisen inspirieren und malen Sie Ihre Welt mit kühnen Entdeckungen und den leuchtenden Farben neuer Perspektiven.\nGenießen Sie die Wärme der Sonne an den unberührten Stränden Zyperns oder lassen Sie sich vom Zauber der griechischen Inseln Kreta, Rhodos, Zante, Korfu, Kefalonia und Mykonos verführen.\nUnsere vielfältigen Urlaubskoordinaten laden Sie ein, in die ideale Mischung aus unvergleichlichem Eskapismus und transformativem Reisen einzutauchen. Dies ist Ihr Moment, NEUE HORIZONEN zu umarmen.
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Buchen Sie direkt über Louis Hotels oder unsere mobile App und erhalten Sie exklusive Vorteile wie:
Insgesamt erhielten 17 Hotels von Louis Hotels die Traveller Review Awards von, von denen 7 mit über 9/10 als ausgezeichnet bewertet wurden, ein weiterer Hinweis auf die hervorragende Gastfreundschaft, die Louis Hotels seinen Gästen bietet.
Zakynthos (Zante) is renowned for its turquoise waters, stunning beaches, and mesmerizing coastal landscapes. One of the best ways to explore this Ionian gem is by embarking on a cruise. Whether you’re after adventure, relaxation, or a mix of both, these cruises offer unforgettable experiences. Here are four must-try cruises in Zakynthos:
If you are looking for a romantic winter escape, Paphos, the birthplace of Aphrodite, should be on your top list. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was born in one of the most stunning places in Paphos, called Petra tou Romiou. The area is an interesting geological formation of huge rocks along one of the most beautiful coastlines on the island, located on the southwest coast of the Paphos district.
Beyond visiting the iconic Petra Tou Romiou, discover four more enchanting activities perfect for couples.
Paphos is one of the most historic cities in Europe. While its history starts in ancient times, the city has known prosperity also during the Byzantine Period. Very important Byzantine attractions that have survived time today transport visitors to a time of spiritual devotion and artistic flourishing. Paphos offers a captivating glimpse into Byzantine art and architecture, from ancient monasteries to fresco-adorned churches.
We are beyond excited to share that Asterion Suites and Spa in Crete, Greece, is in the Top 10 hotels of the Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Reader’s Travel Awards 2024.
Cyprus, the Mediterranean island of commandaria, has a rich and old wine history. With over 6,000 years of winemaking tradition, Cyprus offers wine lovers an unforgettable journey through its picturesque vineyards, charming villages, and world-class wineries. The island’s wine routes are a delightful blend of stunning scenery, historic charm, and the unique flavors of indigenous grape varieties. Whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or a curious traveler, exploring Cyprus’s wine routes is an experience not to be missed.
Cyprus might be famous for its sunny days and golden beaches, but it can also be the perfect winter getaway for travelers seeking new, exciting adventures, as it perfectly combines the mountains with the sea. Let’s look at some of the most known outdoor winter activities.
Nestled on the western coast of Cyprus, Paphos captivates with its enchanting blend of natural beauty, rich history, and mythical allure. Known as the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Paphos exudes an air of timeless romance, making it an ideal destination for couples seeking a dreamy escape. For those in search of the perfect romantic getaway, Louis Hotels offers a selection of opulent, adults-only 5-star accommodations that promise an unforgettable experience.